Leveraging Status on the Roster Page (Local Services Ads - Home Services Only)

After you fill out your roster and provide your initial submissions, you can use the roster page to manage the background check portion of the Local Services Ads application. 

What is the roster page?

The roster page is what you see after you log-in to the background check portion of Local Services Ads with Google. Here is an article on how to log-in.


On the roster page, you will see a series of steps highlighting where your application is within the background check process. There are a few primary statuses:

  • Collect applicant information
  • Processing background checks
  • Results sent to Google

The roster will change between statuses as actions are taken and become required. One thing to note is that status changes occur once an hour, on the half hour. Therefore, if you make an update that should be reflected on your roster, the change will not be immediate but could take up to 1 hour to display.

Collect Applicant Information

When your application is on "Collect Applicant Information" it means we are still waiting for everyone to submit their information. The application can move between "Collect Applicant Information" and "Processing Background Checks" as we require and receive followup submissions.


If your background check application is on this status, it means that one or more of your team owes Evident a submission. When that happens, the 'Submission Status' for those users will update to say 'Pending Submission' as shown in the below screenshot. You can read about the initial required submissions here and more about followup submissions here. 


Processing Background Checks


When your background check is on "Processing Background Checks", it means that Evident is no longer waiting on a submission from anyone on your roster and we are processing the latest submissions that we've received. From here, the background check portion of the application can either move back to "Collect Applicant Information" (if we need followup submissions) or to "Results Sent to Google." You can read about the initial required submissions here and more about followup submissions here. In some cases, if the application doesn't have enough time to complete, the application could move to "Application Cancelled." Application Cancelled means the 90-day window for the application to process is closed. You can read more about the 90-day window here and here.

Application Cancelled


Application cancelled means that the background check portion of your verification was not able to be completed in time, either due to submissions missing or submissions being delayed. In these scenarios, you will need to reach out to Google to ask to restart the application. You can do so by reaching out here.

Result Sent to Google

mceclip6.pngOnce the application transitions to "Results Sent to Google" you will no longer be able to make any changes to the roster, such as adding/removing business owners or adding/removing employees. This status indicates the application is complete and Google has the results they need in order to make a final decision on your application. 

Roster Management After Roster Creation

It's important to understand that at any point in time during the application process, Evident may need a submission from you or from a member of your team. This could be an initial submission, or it could be a followup submission. You can read more about initial submissions here and followup submissions here. If the status of you or your worker shows up as "Pending Submission" then it means that Evident has sent you or your worker a notification in the form of an email which contains a link that you or your worker need to use to provide the submission. Once we've received all the needed submissions at a given point in time for a user, their "Submission Status" will update to Submission Received. Once all the individuals on the roster are listed as Submission Received the application status will move to "Processing Background Checks." You can read more about roster management here.

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