Introducing the Roster Creation Page (Local Services Ads)

Once you know how to fill out the roster correctly, you'll want to understand what the roster is and what it looks like. 

Sections of the Roster Page

Once you log-in, you will be presented with a page that you will use to create your roster. The roster will be used later for managing various applications during the background check portion of Local Services Ads.

The Roster Creation Page has 4 primary sections. They are the:

  • Employee Email Addresses Box
  • Business Owner Email Addresses Box
  • Update/Confirm Registered Business Address
  • "Submit and continue" button, which creates the roster



The Roster Page For Different Industries (With & Without Service Professional Checks)

In this article, we talked about how some industries will be required to run employee/service professional checks and some will not. Your roster will look different depending on the industry of your business and whether or not you are required to run checks on your employees. You can see a list of industries and whether or not your industry requires service professional checks here.

For industries that do not require employee checks, your roster page will look like this:


If your industry does require background checks on employees, you will be presented with a roster page that looks like this:


The only difference between the two pages is the added employee section for those industries where employee checks are required. 

Adding Employees

Once you've identified the kind of roster you have (with or without employees), you can start adding all the individuals who will be required to run background checks for your business. If your industry requires background checks on employees, you can start there.


This box will be empty to begin with and will allow you to add employee email addresses. To identify employees correctly, read this article. If you don't have any employees, simply start with adding business workers (the next section in this article and on the roster page). When you are ready, add all of your employee or service worker email addresses. 


Remember that any employee that does not have a background check run as part of the onboarding to Local Services Ads is not allowed to take work jobs that come in from leads that were sourced through Local Services Ads.


Once you are finished you can move onto the next step. 

Adding Business Owners

Once you've added in your employee email addresses, you will need to add in your business owner email addresses as well. (If you don't have any employees, simply start with adding business owners. To identify business owners, read this article.)

You will see that by default your own email address is added. The system automatically populates the email you used to sign up for Local Services Ads as the first email address in the business owner email box.


If you are the business owner, and this is your email address, then simply add the additional email addresses of any other business owners.  


If you are not the business owner but are instead a marketing agency, then remove this email address and then add the email addresses of all the business owners in the business.


When you add new business owners you will be prompted to confirm that this individual is in fact a business owner and not an employee. To figure out if you are adding individuals correctly, you can read this article. This is designed to ensure you don't accidentally add an employee as a business owner. 


Once you have added all your business owners, you can move onto the next step. 


Confirm Registered Business Address

Beneath the section for adding your business owners, you can see the section where your Registered Business Address has been pre-populated with the information that you provided before to Google during the sign up process. Here, you can make minor updates to this information as needed. 


The business address will be validated using Google maps and if Evident is unable to validate the address you will receive a pop up message informing you about this.

Submit and Create the Roster

Once you have input all the information required, you can hit the "Submit and continue to the next step" button shown below in the screenshot.


Clicking this "Submit" button is what creates your roster. Once you have click "Submit and continue to the next step" Evident will then take these simultaneous actions:

  • First, we will begin to run the business entity verification that is required for all businesses.
  • If you are a business owner we will take you to your own set of checks that need to be completed
  • We will send an email to each of the individuals who needs to provide a submission so they can complete their own verification.
    • If there are employees or service professionals listed on your roster, these employees and service professionals will receive an email.
    • We will also send an email to any additional business owners listed on the application (other than you).

If you are a marketing agency filling out the roster on behalf of a business owner, you will not be taken to the business owner's submission page. Instead, we will simply send out emails to all the business owners and employees/service professionals listed on the application. 

Now, your roster is created. You can see the roster by logging into the background check portion of Local Services Ads. You will use the roster to manage submissions during the 90-day application window. 


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